Inclusion and Diversity Learning Circle

Drive your D&I success to greater heights


 Are you interested in helping your organisation become more diverse and inclusive? Then our Inclusion and Diversity Learning Circle is for you!


We want to see all Australian workplaces embrace D&I and prioritise it in their business strategy. Our Inclusion and Diversity Learning Circle is a way that you can build your knowledge, capability, and skills around D&I, as well as contribute to a broader collective movement that values and prioritises D&I in our workplaces.

There is no sell, or strings attached – we just want to inspire organisations to be leaders in D&I for the benefit of their employees, and Australian society. That’s it!


How does it work?

The Learning Circle includes our Newsletter, our Learning Lab content and videos and events all designed to support you to learn more about D&I strategies, share ideas and connect with others in the field. Facilitated by industry leader Lucinda Hewitson, CEO of Diversity Inclusion, participants also receive invaluable guidance and insights as well as connect with other organisations to learn not just from Lucinda, but from each other to advance their internal D&I programs.

Learning Circle participants also hear what best practice looks like and are provided with additional D&I resources and information to help their organisations flourish in this space.

Subscribe to our Learning Circle – it’s free!

By subscribing to our Learning Circle, you will be notified of each edition of our Learning Circle Newsletter which will share our latest Learning Lab content and videos, and inform you about upcoming virtual events. This is your doorway to D&I best-practice – so why not grow your D&I knowledge and effectiveness and help your organisation to thrive. Click on the Subscribe button below to join our D&I community.