Bullying and harassment

‘Calling it out’ is key to D&I success

Bullying, harassment, and discrimination are pervasive in our organisations.

This damaging behaviour has detrimental effects on employee wellbeing and mental health, corporate culture, employee satisfaction, turnover, and organisational performance. Moreover, it costs the Australian economy over $36 billion per annum.

Fighting bullying, harassment, and discrimination head-on

Our flagship Call it Out program is designed to support organisations to promote a psychologically safe workplace free from bullying, harassment, discrimination, and negative behaviours. The workshop empowers employees to ‘call out’ inappropriate behaviours, as the bystander, as well as role-model positive, respectful, and constructive behaviours in the workplace. It equips employees with the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to reduce workplace bullying, harassment, discrimination and negative behaviours, resulting in a more positive, united, and caring workforce.

Whether you have office-based employees, or an operations workforce, Call it Out is suitable and adaptable for any organisation.


Call it Out delivery is flexible – both online and offline

Call it Out has transformed tens of organisations and thousands of employees all over Australasia. Receiving outstanding feedback, this evidence-based, best-practice program includes a half-day training module which can be provided as a face-to-face workshop (facilitated by Diversity Inclusion), video-based learning featuring a series of short-mixed-media training modules, interactive online learning, or a combination of online and face-to-face delivery. To engage participants and achieve learning outcomes, the training features video scenarios, which can be tailored to your organisation and industry.

We also have a Train the Trainer option designed to upskill and teach organisations to present Call it Out to their own employees, providing ongoing value and a sustainable approach to D&I training.


Communication is key

Effectively communicating Call it Out to your workforce is critical. By nurturing internal buy-in and support, the program will be more successful and cultural change will be more easily achieved.

Our Call it Out Communications Strategy provides organisations with a tailored communications plan, as well as promotional assets such as internal emails and video content. We will work with your organisation to develop bespoke messaging that resonates, engages, and inspires your workforce.